Hidden costs you should not ignore while buying a house.
Buying a house is undeniably a costly affair. People spend a considerably larger amount of their lifetime, and few even spend half of their life time-saving money on building or getting a house of their own. With that, a cutout cost is probably planned by all the buyers while planning to get a house. Many miss out on being aware that buying a house costs a little higher than the direct cost of the house. One needs to keep in mind the hidden costs of home buying. Let's get a perspective of a few common hidden costs involved in buying a house. 1.Registering the property under your name Registering the property under your name is the most important part of buying a house. This is also called stamp duty. It is one of the high costs that is involved in buying a house. Generally, the house registration happens at a government registration office, and the registration fee falls somewhere around 5 to 12% of the property value. In TamilNadu, the registration fee is fixed ...